For our sixth Bernstein Debates event, Bob Shapiro, Howard Rosenthal, Andrew Gelman and David Park will discuss the U.S election results and its implications for the future. Despite the intense public scrutiny via the media's powerful lens, there is a sense of puzzlement in how to interpret the patterns in the forecasted vote in the context of larger questions of what has happened to the right and what might be the future of the party system. We will explore this topic by discussing the ideological positioning of the candidates in reference to the vote and the demographic fault lines revealed during this campaign season.
Related Readings
Why Do White Men Love Donald Trump So Much. The Washington Post. September 8, 2016.
The Big Winners in the new U.S. Income Data? White Women. The Washington Post. September 22, 2016.
A New Partisan Voter. The Journal of Politics. January 2009.
Free Hand Abroad, Divide and Rule at Home. World Politics. January 2009.
American Public Opinon and Partisan Conflict: Education's Exceptionalism? Conference Paper for "The Politics of Education Policy: An International Perspective," John F. Kennedy School for Government, Harvard University, May 5-6, 2016.
Past Bernstein Debates