Workshop and Seminar

The Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy is pleased to issue its annual request for workshop and seminar proposals. The goal of ISERP workshop and seminar support is to bring together scholars from within and across disciplines to focus on matters of common interest. ISERP-sponsored workshops and seminars take myriad forms: some focus on scholars’ works in progress, others serve as speaker series for innovative work. All ISERP workshops and seminars are free and open to the public. We invite proposals for new workshops or seminars that will take place between January 1, 2025 and December 31, 2025.  

Please contact ISERP with any questions on the application process.


Proposals will be evaluated on their intellectual merit and coherence, and their judicious use of funding.

Workshops/seminars are recurring events and normally meet several times a semester. They may focus on a specific topic, on basic social science inquiry, or on a set of intellectual issues. We encourage workshops and seminars that are collaborative and interdisciplinary, and those that provide structured opportunities for graduate student training and development.

Workshops and seminars that are collaborative and involve faculty from more than one discipline will be given special consideration.

If the workshop or seminar is a one-time event, kindly submit your proposal through the ISERP Conference CFP.


Faculty, research scholars, and research scientists appointed within one of the six social science departments in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Columbia University are eligible to apply for ISERP funding for workshops and seminars. At least one applicant per workshop or seminar team must be a full-time faculty member.

Application Guidance

Applicants should submit:

  • A three-page proposal that describes the proposed workshop or seminar, its mission, its structure and organization, and a plan for its first year.
  • A detailed budget utilizing the budget sheet attached to this call. Please download a copy to complete and submit it along with a narrative budget justification (1-page maximum).
  • Proposals should be submitted electronically as a single PDF document to ISERP.


One (1) Year. Workshops and seminars are renewable for one additional year based on your submission of an end-of-year activity report and a brief proposal for the proposed activity in the second year. Please note: If your workshop or seminar will not begin until Fall 2025, please wait for next term’s call (for the 2025–26 academic year).

Award Amount

Up to $10,000. Funding can cover travel and lodging, workshop materials and publicity, refreshments or meals, and a small stipend for a graduate student coordinator (calculated on a per hour basis). We strongly recommend that your proposal be accessible to scholars beyond your immediate field.

Application Deadline

November 1, 2024

Award Period

January 1, 2025–December 31, 2025