Active Awards EAGER: Using Large Language Models to Model Threats to Sensitive InformationThe strength and consequences of school-work linkages in Israel"EAGER:Using Large Language Models to Model Threats to Sensitive Information"EpiStan: notebooks and methods for disease modeling in StanThe Political Dynamics of Supply-Side Counternarcotics"News Gaps" and the Political Effects of Monitoring by Local MediaClimate change and calorie crops - global impacts, adaptation and implications for US agricultural communities: Collaborative research with Columbia University and Boston UniversityAdvancing a New Field of American Political EconomyMinority Candidate Emergence in the U.S.: Barriers, Motivations and StrategiesLegibility and Statebuilding in West and North AfricaEnvironmental inspections for pollution regulation enforcement in ChinaImproved Environmental Inspections in China and Their EffectDoctoral Dissertation Research: Knowledge Resources in the Building of Ecological Restoration CommunitiesControl Data: American Power and the Global Assembly Line, 1957-1992Collaborative Research: Regulating Electricity Markets: Impacts on Energy Transitions and Environmental JusticeAttacking Networks of Tax Evasion: Theory and EvidenceAttacking Networks of Tax Evasion: Theory and Evidence from ParaguayTrustworthy Bayesian modeling, inference, and computationNovel Approaches toward External Validity of Randomized Controlled Trials in the Social SciencesArchives as Data: An Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital HumanitiesKabir Banerjee Predoctoral FellowshipStatistical adjustments of sample representation in community-level estimates of COVID-19 transmission and immunityCAREER: Accountable Democracy: Mathematical Reasoning and Representative Politics in America, 1920-NowResearch ActivitiesEarly First-Dollar Categorical Need-Based Aid: A New Model for Making College Affordable?Understanding Multi-Stressor and Multi-Scale Drivers of Feedbacks, Cascading Failures, and Risk Management Pathways within Complex MSD SystemsUsing Weather Forecasts to Identify Economic Behavior"Using Weather Forecasts to Identify Economic Behavior"Scalable Bayesian regression: Analytical and numerical tools for efficient Bayesian analysis in the large data regimeScalable Bayesian regression: Analytical and numerical tools for efficient Bayesian analysis in the large data regimeQuality Standards and Firm Behavior in Ethiopia"The Enemy Is Within: Elite Affective Polarization in American Politics Politics"Employment, investment, and inequality in the aftermath of the Covid-19 crisisConsortium on Analytics for Data-Driven Decision-Making (CAnD3): Developing Talent for Population Analytics in Aging SocietiesAll No Matching Terms Found ✕Apply No Matching Terms Found ✕Apply No Matching Terms Found ✕Apply Table Listing, showing - Clear filtersDepartmentFilterFunderFilterFilterStart-End DateN/ATitleAwardeesDepartment{{ $last ? dept:dept + ", " }}Funder{{ $last ? group:group + ", " }}{{ $last ? cat:cat + ", " }}Funding AmountStart-End Date TitleAwardeesDepartmentFunderFunding Amount to N/Aedit{{ $last ? "": "," }} {{ $last ? "": ", " }} {{ $last ? dept:dept + "," }} {{ $last ? group:group + "," }} {{ $last ? cat:cat + "," }} editedit