Active Awards Climate change and calorie crops - global impacts, adaptation and implications for US agricultural communities: Collaborative research with Columbia University and Boston UniversityMinority Candidate Emergence in the U.S.: Barriers, Motivations and StrategiesLegibility and Statebuilding in West and North AfricaAdvance Warning and Response Exemplars (AWARE)How Do Managers’ Beliefs about New Technologies Evolve? Informational Interventions and the Adoption of Energy-Efficient Stitching Motors in BangladeshImmigration Replenishment, Residential Segregation, and the Reconfiguration of Ethnoracial Boundaries in the United StatesThe Effect of Graduate PLUS Student Loan Increases on Access, Program Prices, Student Debt, and Labor Market OutcomesHow Do Managers' Beliefs about New Technologies Evolve? Informational Interventions and the Adoption of Energy-Efficient Stitching Motors in BangladeshEnvironmental inspections for pollution regulation enforcement in ChinaImproved Environmental Inspections in China and Their EffectDoctoral Dissertation Research: Knowledge Resources in the Building of Ecological Restoration CommunitiesControl Data: American Power and the Global Assembly Line, 1957-1992Flexible Log-Likelihood FunctionsCollaborative Research: Regulating Electricity Markets: Impacts on Energy Transitions and Environmental JusticeDoctoral Dissertation Research: Anticipation, Catastrophic Flooding, and Canal Infrastructure in Urban Coastal SettingsAttacking Networks of Tax Evasion: Theory and Evidence from ParaguayDDRIG: Reassembling Art, Science, and Technology: Screws and the Forgotten History of Goldsmithing in Early Modern NurembergCitizen Scrutiny and Government Efforts to Fight CorruptionImproving representativeness in non-probability surveys and causal inference with regularized regression and post-stratificationSoftware development for Stan to improve survey statistics for non-probability samplesStudies on the Data-Driven Economy and School ChoiceWhat is fair? Disentangling public conceptions of merit and equity in the age of inequalityIdentifying and Characterizing Human-Insect Relations through Material Culture in Western AlaskaDDRIG: An Historical Study of Science and Scientific CultureEAGER: Using Large Language Models to Model Threats to Sensitive InformationThe Credit Consequences of College AttendanceRevamped Bayesian InferenceImplications of Cognitive Limitations on Memory for Economic BehaviorExtracurriculars, Information Asymmetry, and Labor MarketsTrustworthy Bayesian modeling, inference, and computationMaking the New American Voter: How Social Media Influencers Shape the Values and Politics of Young AdultsDoctoral Dissertation Research in Economics: Extracurricular Activities, Information Asymmetry, and Labor MarketsFactor Based Imputation of Missing DataMaking and Knowing: The Role of Craft Skill in Scientific PracticeCollaborative Research: Transparency and the Rule of Law: A Field Experiment in UkraineNovel Approaches toward External Validity of Randomized Controlled Trials in the Social SciencesArchives as Data: An Institute for Advanced Topics in the Digital HumanitiesIntimate Crises: Prostitution, Sexual Science, and Queer History in Egypt, 1834-2001School-to-Work Pathway and Racial/Ethnic Inequality among College GraduatesThe strength and consequences of school-work linkages in IsraelKabir Banerjee Predoctoral FellowshipStatistical adjustments of sample representation in community-level estimates of COVID-19 transmission and immunityAdvancing a New Field of American Political EconomyNever on Silent: Phone Demands on Female MicroentrepreneursSEWA Wage Loss Insurance Experiment: Evaluating the Sustainability and Scalability of an Insurance Product to Protect against Wage Loss Due to HospitalizationCAREER: Accountable Democracy: Mathematical Reasoning and Representative Politics in America, 1920-NowResearch ActivitiesEarly First-Dollar Categorical Need-Based Aid: A New Model for Making College Affordable?Understanding Multi-Stressor and Multi-Scale Drivers of Feedbacks, Cascading Failures, and Risk Management Pathways within Complex MSD SystemsUsing Weather Forecasts to Identify Economic BehaviorPaginationNext page››All No Matching Terms Found ✕Apply No Matching Terms Found ✕Apply No Matching Terms Found ✕Apply Table Listing, showing - Clear filtersDepartmentFilterFunderFilterFilterStart-End DateN/ATitleAwardeesDepartment{{ $last ? dept:dept + ", " }}Funder{{ $last ? group:group + ", " }}{{ $last ? cat:cat + ", " }}Funding AmountStart-End Date TitleAwardeesDepartmentFunderFunding Amount to N/Aedit{{ $last ? "": "," }} {{ $last ? "": ", " }} {{ $last ? dept:dept + "," }} {{ $last ? group:group + "," }} {{ $last ? cat:cat + "," }} editedit