Event Description:
As extractivism has intensified, some see it as defining the current stage of capitalism. Driven by massive autonomous extraction machines, disseminated through algorithmically organized logistical systems, extraction both depends on media systems and provides the minerals that makes digital machines possible. This conference will examine the interaction of extraction, capitalism and media.
Event Program:
December 13, 5pm
Keynote by Martín Arboleda, Universidad Diego Portales, Santiago de Chile
“International Technological Subordination: The Geopolitical Economy of Circuits of Extraction”
December 14, 10am-5pm
Patrick Brodie, University College Dublin
“Environmental Datafication, Resource-Making, and the Frontiers of Green Capitalism”
Nadine Chan, University of Toronto
“Cinematic Alchemy: Extraction, Logistics, and Process in the Colonial Industrial Film”
Janna Israel, Princeton University
“Imagining an Early Modern Empire of Minerals”
Tamara Kneese, Data & Society Research Institute
“Death by Algorithm: The Case for AI Abolition”
Rosalind Morris, Columbia University
“Roads Paved and (Not) Taken: Infrastructures of Extraction and the Extraction of Infrastructure in South Africa”
Rafico Ruiz, Canadian Centre for Architecture
"Ikiaqqijjut" (‘travelling through layers’): The Angiqatigingniq Internet Network and the Promise of Extraction in Mary River, Nunavut”