
Past Event

XVIII Annual Meetings of the LACEA / IADB / WB/ UNDP Research Network on Inequality and Poverty

April 20, 2012
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
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Accompanying Conference Papers

Paper One — Paper Two — Paper Three — Paper Four — Paper Five — Paper Six

The next meeting of the LACEA/IDB/WB/UNDP Network on Inequality and Poverty (NIP) will be held at Columbia University in the City of New York on April 20th, 2012. The NIP is an initiative that aims to advance the state of knowledge and expertise regarding the causes and consequences of poverty, inequality, and social exclusion, as well as on the whole range of policies, institutions, and social structures that influence their dynamics. For more information on the NIP, go to 

Submissions on all topics related to poverty and inequality in Latin America are welcome, although we particularly seek papers on two broad subjects: “Financial Systems and Poverty” and “External Sector and Poverty”. We especially encourage papers that address the effects of recent growth and the impact of economic crises throughout its main channels on poverty. The transmission channels can be financial or real (remittances, foreign direct investment, employment, tourism, etc.).

The meeting program will include a keynote address by Roberto Rigobon (Society of Sloan Fellows Professor of Applied Economics at the Sloan School of Management, MIT) on financial systems and poverty.

Papers (in Word or PDF) should be sent to: Miguel Jaramillo ([email protected]) and Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez ([email protected] or [email protected]) by March 10, 2012. Strict compliance with this deadline is required.

Papers will be selected on the basis of academic merit. Submitted papers will be reviewed by a program committee made of members of the Executive Committee of the Network. Authors of the selected papers will be notified by e-mail. Every accepted paper will be included in the program and will have a discussant. We expect to communicate our decisions by March 19, 2012.

The NIP may offer partial funding for travel expenses for those participants who are not able to obtain full financial support from their institutions or other sources. If authors require financial support, they should indicate it at the time of submission of the paper. In order to receive funding from NIP, authors whose papers were accepted must be members of LACEA and current on their membership dues by the time of the meeting.

Inquiries concerning the meeting should be sent to: Miguel Jaramillo ([email protected]) and Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez ([email protected] or [email protected]).

Research related to this project was underwritten by the Institute for Social and Economic Research and Policy.